Article 15
You have the right to choose your own friends and join or set up groups, as long as it isn’t harmful to others.
Football Year 3/4
On Tuesday 12th November a group of 7 children from year 3/4 represented Blanford Mere in a mini-7-a-side football competition at Dudley Sports College. The children played well together as a team, encouraging, and praising each other. Goals were scored and we saw some great defending against the other schools! Well done to James, David, Ekhum, Zydaan, Logan, Luke and Sam for taking part. You should be very proud of yourselves!
Congratulations George T
George T (Year 2) has woken up to some fantastic news this week. George has been chosen to play for The Walsall FC Foundation, Talented & gifted development centre. After an intense 3 weeks trial period, he received an email to say they would love for George to play for them. He is super excited and wanted us to share this with you all. Good luck George with your exciting news, we wish you lots of luck!
Children In Need 2024
The generosity and kindness of our families never fails to amaze us - and their contributions to the BBC's Children in Need appeal on Friday was no exception. Despite the challenges facing the world and our community at this time, we are delighted to share the news that we raised an amazing £539.00 for the charity. Please know that we are so thankful and grateful to each one of our families for their contributions and generosity.
Year 5/6MB Class assembly
Thank you to Mr Baker and Yr 5/6MB for performing their class assembly. The children performed and sang for parents and their families about WW2 – the children were fantastic, and we know that many parents enjoyed the performance! Super.
Year 5-6 Anne Frank Workshop
On Monday 18th November, Year 5-6 received a visit from Nicky from the Anne Frank Trust UK. Each Y5-6 class had a lesson during the day which linked in with our study of WWII and Anne Frank. The children really enjoyed taking part in the workshop and it was a great way to end our Anne Frank topic. This is what some of the children said:
Evie, Y5-6AR: "I liked the way the teacher made it fun and exciting. It was interesting to learn about antisemitism and how it still happens in the world today."
Eugene, Y5-6AR: "I enjoyed learning about Anne Frank and antisemitism. She also told us how to challenge someone if they are saying mean things."
Hugo, Y5-6HO: "Nikki taught us that a stereotype is when you assume that someone likes something because of who they are. You might think a boy should like blue, but they can like pink too. She taught us that we shouldn't judge people and discriminate against people because of their religion."
Eleanor, Y5-6HO: "It was fascinating and informative. Nikki made it fun for us to learn about antisemitism and the Holocaust which are quite traumatising things."
Emily, Y5-6MB: "I liked watching the videos about Anne Frank's cousin. We talked about how people showed antisemitic behaviour towards Anne Frank during WWII."
Jaxon, Y5-6MB: "Nicky was fun and enjoyable and she taught us about Anne Frank and how the Jews were treated poorly by the Nazis. It was really interesting!"
International Artist Day
This year, we decided to celebrate International Artists Day. This day is observed annually and is a celebration of artists and their invaluable contributions to society. This day honours visual artists, musicians, performers, writers, and all those whose creativity enriches our world.
Our children focussed on the work of Picasso and were inspired to create amazing pieces of artwork. Nursery and Year 56 worked collaboratively to produce their amazing work. Reception, Years 1 and 34 looked at the funny way Picasso created portraits showing different views of facial features, and Year 2 learnt about Picasso's landscapes and the way he used angular shapes to represent buildings.
We have enjoyed sharing each other’s work and seeing super examples displayed in the hall.

Art Competition
Our recent Art competition proved to be very popular and therefore incredibly difficult for our Art Ambassadors to judge. After much deliberation they cast their secret votes.
The winners in each category have received a prize and certificate. All of the art competition entries will be on display in the hall from next.
The winners are:
Zack M - RP
Aiden O - 2D
Isabella O - 34MC
Jonty M - 56AR
Thank you to everyone who entered and shared their enjoyment of Art and delight at each other's work.
Well done!

Poppy Appeal 2024
Thank you to everyone who has supported this years Poppy Appeal. We will let you know how much was raised when we receive the final figures.
Dates for the Diary
Tuesday 26th November – Blanford Babies – The Hub – 9am-10am
Friday 29th November – Year 3- Year 6 – VR Workshop
Wednesday 27th November – Tempest Photographer in (PM) for children who did not have their photo taken.
Friday 29th November– last day to pay for any Christmas activities.
Thursday 5th December – KS1 and KS2 Church Rehearsal St Mary’s Church.
Thursday 5th December– Film Night. 3.15pm-5.15pm.
Thursday 12th December (am only)– Year 1 - Year 6 Christmas Church Service.
KS1 children Yr 1 and Yr 2 – 9.20am-10.20am (approx)
And a KS2 – Yr 3 to Yr 6 - 10.45am – 12pm (approx)
Friday 13th December – Christmas Breakfast – Year 1 – Year 6 only.
Friday 13th December – Save the Children – Christmas Jumper Day.
Wear a Christmas jumper and own clothes and donate £1 to Save the Children
Tuesday 17th December – Nursery/Reception Christmas Workshop and Singalong. More details to follow.
Tuesday 17th December – Blanford Babies – Christmas Party – The Hub – 9am-10am
Tuesday 18th December – Christmas Lunch
Wednesday 19th December – Santa’s Grotto. More details to follow.
Friday 20th December – School closes for Christmas Break.
Monday 6th January 2025 – Children return to school at the usual time.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Crook and Miss Stanton