The Governing Body
Name | Category | Appointed By | Date of Appointment | Term of Office | Committee Membership | Position of Responsibilties | Register of Business Interest | Governance and Role in Other Education Institutions | Any material interests |
Sally Davies - Co-Chair of Governors | Co-Opted Governor | Governing Body | 04/11/19 | 04/11/23 to 03/11/27 | All committees | Co-Chair, Rights Respecting Co-Chair, EYFS, Reading and Phonics | None | None | None |
Robert Pinion - Co-Chair of Governors | Co-Opted Governor | Governing Body | 8/12/20 | 08/12/24 to 07/12/27 | All committees | Co-Chair, DABG Representative and Science | None | Blakely Heath Primary - Wombourne, RVP Services Ltd - Kingswinford | None |
Kerry Crook | Headteacher | Governing Body | 01/09/22 | From 01/09/22 | All committees | All committees | None | None | None |
Allan Weaver | Co-Opted Governor | Governing Body | 01/01/06 | 25/02/22 to 24/02/26 | All committees | Child Protection / Safeguarding and LAC an d SEND | None | None | None |
Stuart Jones | Co-Opted Governor | Governing Body | 09/10/06 | 03/04/22 to 02/04/26 | All committees | Health & Safety, Training & Development, Writing, SPaG and Vocabulary | None | None | None |
Neil Hayes | Co-Opted Governor | Governing Body | 03/04/14 | 03/04/22 to 02/04/26 | All committees | Maths | None | None | None |
Helen Oliver | Staff Governor | Governing Body | 31/10/16 | 30/10/24 to 29/10/27 | All committees | None | None | None | None |
Jayne Matthews | Co-opted Governor | Governing Body | 19/06/17 | 19/06/21 to 18/06/25 | All committees | Pupil and Sports Premium | None | None | None |
Laura Tatton | Parent Governor | Parental Governor | 05/12/22 | 05/01/23 to 04/01/27 | All committees | Wellbeing and PHSE | None | None | None |
Rachael Watkins | Parent Governor | Parental Governor | 20/03/24 | 20/03/24 to 19/03/28 | All committees | Writing, SPaG and Vocabulary | None | None | TBC |
Claire Dunn | Co-opted Governor | Govering Body | 20/03/24 | 20/03/24 to 19/03/28 | All committees | Maths | None | None | TBC |
Nicola Miller (Retired) | Headteacher (retired) | Governing Body | 31/08/2022 | Retired | n/a | n/a | None | None | None |
Andy Amor (ex Governor) | Co-Opted Governor | Governing Body | 09/03/20 | 09/03/20 to 08/03/24 | Premises & Resources | Humanities | None | None | None |
Malcolm Macconnell (ex Governor) | Co-opted Governor | Governing Body | 07/11/18 | 31/08/24 | All committees | SEND | None | None | None |
Governors - Meeting Attendance
Sally Davies - Co-Chair / Co-Opted Governor
I have been a parent governor at Blanford Mere Primary School since November 2019. I have three children who all currently attend the school and who are very happy.
My role as a governor includes attending termly meetings on the School Improvement Committee as well as attending full governor meetings throughout the year. My main link area is as the Right's Respecting Governor. I hope to work alongside Mrs Cartwright and the school council to ensure children’s views are listened to and they continue to feel valued within the school.
I feel proud to be a governor at Blanford Mere, helping children and staff to work together and achieve together.
Robert Pinion - Co-Chair / Co-Opted Governor
I have been a Co-Opted governor at Blanford Mere for 2 years and Blakely Heath Primary in Wombourne for 4 years as well as an instructor in the Army Cadet Force. I am a qualified engineer that has been part of a senior management team for the last 8 years and have recently set up my own business. I have a passion for ensuring that the young people of today have the very best opportunities to develop themselves both educationally and personally. I believe my background and ongoing training allows me to help guide Blanford Mere to continue to provide these opportunities.
Allan Weaver - Co-Opted Governor
I have been a Governor since both my daughters attended the school, sometime ago now. I have found it most rewarding in been able to help the school in achieving the full potential of all pupils.
Stuart Jones - Co-opted Governor
As a former pupil and as a parent of two children who attended the school, I have a long association with Blanford Mere and improving the school and the outcome for children is something I am passionate about. I have been a governor for around 15 years and see this as a way to give back to the school and the community that supported myself and my children.
The skills that I have developed in my career in health and safety and operational management help me support the school. I am currently the chair of the school improvement committee, the governor responsible for literacy, health and safety and governor training.
Jayne Matthews - Co Opted Governor
I am a recently retired maths teacher. I have spent 36 years teaching in schools in the West Midlands, holding various roles - ranging from classroom teacher to Vice Principal of a very large secondary school. I have been a Governor at Blanford Mere since 2017. I am passionate about ensuring that all children receive the best education possible.
I live with my husband and have two adult children, who were both educated in Dudley. My son, and his growing family, lives and works in Sweden. My daughter and son-in-law are primary school teachers in Gloucestershire.
Helen Oliver - Staff Governor
I have worked at Blanford Mere Primary School for over 8 years as a class teacher across Key Stage 2. I am passionate about providing our children with the best possible education which enables them to reach their full potential. I enjoy my role as Staff Governor as it provides me with further opportunities to work alongside staff, families and our community to ensure our pupils receive the best experiences and an enriching and inspiring curriculum. I have experience in various industries, as well as education, which gives me underpinning knowledge and skills.