Sports Day 2024 Thursday 23rd May 2024

Dear Parents/Guardians, 

We would like to invite all parents to our annual Sports Day on Thursday 23rd May 2024 on the playing field. Like last year the races will have an extra competitive element as the children will be representing their houses in order to score as many points as possible, so their house can be the overall Sports Day Champions. Please come to school prepared to shout and encourage your child's house as much as possible!

Due to our growing numbers of children in school, we will divide the event into two separate time slots - a KS2 event and a Reception/KS1 event.   

KS2 will start at 9.15 a.m. prompt and we aim to finish by 11.15 am 

Reception and KS1 will start at 1.30pm and we aim to finish by 3:00pm

At the start of each session children, staff and parents will complete a dance warm up, so make sure to bring trainers or your dancing shoes!

The races will be:
KS1 and KS2
Sack relay race
Egg and spoon race
Relay baton race 
Run, hop, Jump race (Run the first 10 metres, hop for 10 metres, jump with two feet for 10 metres, run again for the last 10 metres over the finish line)


Egg and spoon race
Sack Race
Relay Race
Dressing up race (Hat, coat, trousers)
We would like to give children the opportunity to represent their house by wearing a coloured T-shirt. We do not expect parents to go out and buy anything new. Any T-shirt that is the colour of your child's house is acceptable, even if it has some form of design on, as long as it is appropriate, and it is a t-shirt (no strappy tops or vests).

Children should come to school with their PE kits on and wear trainers and their school jumper/cardigan.  We shall send home their pump bags beforehand.  

Please prepare your child for all weathers! 

                        a)         If hot, sun hats and sun cream applied before school 

                        b)         If cold, warm waterproof clothing and coats 

The HSA will be selling refreshments for parents and visitors to enjoy. At the end of each session, there will be an opportunity for parents to see their children, congratulate them and buy them something from the refreshments stall. Please do not try to buy your child anything from the refreshment stall while the races are being carried out as they will be on the other side of the track and concentrating on the competition.

At the end of the event, the children will return back to their classes and taken safely back to their classrooms. The gates will not open for parents to leave until all children are present and accounted for. 

If it pours or the field is hazardous, we shall cancel the event and it will be rearranged for Thursday 6th June 2024. Please note that we shall not make a decision about whether to go ahead or cancel until 7.45am – if this is the case, we will send a text message out to parents via ‘School life’, so please do not ring before! 

The KS2 Event 9.15am – 11.15am 

We ask that all KS2 parents drop their children off at their usual entrance at their usual gate and timeGates will open to parents who are spectating, at 9.00am. Please wait at the Yr3/4 gate. We will not allow any members of the public onto the school premises beforehand. We will only be leaving the gate open for 15 minutes.  At this point, it will be locked for security reasons. There will be no entry after 9.15am. The gate will then re -open at 11.15am for you to leave. 

The Reception/KS1 Event 1.30pm – 3.00pm 

We ask that all Rec/KS1 parents drop their children off at their usual entrance at their usual gate and timeGates will open to parents who are spectating, at 1.15pm. Please wait at the Yr 3/4 gate (the end gate near the park entrance). We will only be leaving the gate open for 15 minutes.  At this point, it will be locked for security reasons. There will be no entry after 1.15pm. The gate will then re -open at 3.00pm for you to leave, please leave via the Yr 3/4 gate. Children will then be taken back to their classes and dismissed through their usual gate.

In our efforts to reduce plastic waste at school, we would encourage you to send your child with a refillable water bottle which they will take to the field. Please remember that we are a no smoking site and therefore will not be allowing adults to smoke or vape during the event or to go in and out of the gate to do so.   

Any questions, please feel free to contact ourselves or your child's class teacher.

Many thanks,

Mr Raybould & Miss Postings.

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