Parents Consultations – Reception to Year 6 - Wednesday 5th and Thursday 6th February 2025. Reception – Year 6

We are holding our Parents Meetings this term on Wednesday 5th and Thursday 6th February 2025 for Reception -Year 6.

Except for year Mrs Davis 1DJ, who will hold their Parents evenings on Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th February 2025.

For this parents evening, all appointments should be made online. It is important that you are logged into the ‘SchoolLife’ app or can access the website via a ‘tablet’ or ‘desktop/laptop’ computer.

(Nurs Porter) Wednesday 5th February am

(Nurs Steadman) Thursday 6th February am

Nursery appointments will take place on Wednesday 5th February (Nursery Porter) and Thursday 6th February (Nursery Steadman) during the morning.

All appointments will be ‘active and live’ to book from Friday 24th January until Monday 3rd February 2025 Nursery – Yr 6.

Each class teacher will have appointment lists indicating the times that they are available. Please note that these will vary slightly for each teacher. This is a valuable opportunity for you to talk with your son or daughter’s class teacher.

Appointments allow a maximum of 8 minutes for each set of parents. If you need additional discussion time you may need to make a further appointment on another day.

When signing up there is an opportunity to write an ‘optional comment’, you may want to add a note if there is something specific to discuss. If the selected dates are not convenient, please put a note in your child’s planner and the member of staff will arrange a mutually convenient time to speak to you.

We would be grateful if parents did not ring the office to make appointments - we simply do not have the capacity to make appointments on behalf of parents.

Kind regards

Miss Stanton

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