Poetry Week 5-9 October 2020 The children celebrated Poetry Week in the week beginning 5th October 2020. They really enjoyed listening to, appreciating and writing their own poetry.

This is what the children said:


The children in Nursery have all been learning nursery rhymes as part of an introduction to National Poetry week. 

"Humpty Dumpty is my favourite nursery rhyme. My favourite bit is when he bumped his head". Rocco M

"I like the wheels on the bus. I like the bit when the baby cries and the mummy goes chatter, chatter, chatter". Leah  

Reception C: 

Raymond - "We have been learning nursery rhymes." 

Reception J:

RJ - Samuel - "A poet writes poems."

Year 1C:

Emily M said, "I have enjoyed learning the traditional poem 'Two Little Kittens' and writing a poem about my grandma."

Thomas said "I like the part of the poem when the old woman sweeps the kittens out of the room and I had fun performing finger nursery rhymes!"

Year 1W

Balraj - We wrote acrostic poems about our family. I wrote about my daddy. I liked it when we did ‘Don't’ by Micheal Rosen and Mr Wade made a silly face.

Eesha - We learnt old nursery rhymes like ‘Here is the Church and Two Little Dickie Birds’. It was fun!

Year 2P:

Luca M- ' I liked thinking of my own rhyming words.'

George F - ' I enjoyed thinking of actions to match nursery rhymes'. 

Year 2B:

Violet P- 'We found out the theme for poetry this year is vision.'

Daniel L- 'I enjoyed writing an acrostic poem'. 

Year 3/4D:

Xavi - I have enjoyed learning about kennings and creating my own autumn poem.

Havneet - I have learnt about personification and onomatopoeia. My favourite lesson was when we got to write our own kennings.

Year 3/4O

“I liked writing an autumn poem because I enjoy writing poems and I had fun.” Leo S

“I liked the poems because it was fun with kennings. I enjoyed listening to Mrs Oliver read poems.” Oliver G

Year 3/4C

Luke J - Poetry week was really good because kennings are fun to write and to try and work out the riddle when others read theirs.  We listened to some funny poems which made us all laugh and we wrote our own poems describing autumn.  My autumn poem is one of my best pieces of writing ever!

Elissa W - I really enjoyed poetry week because we got to write our own poems and listen to some funny poems (like 'Walking with my Iguana'.  We also had to learn and perform a poem too.  It was also great fun to try and guess what the kennings were about.

Year 5/6B:

Laila-Mai - “We wrote mesostic poems about World War II.  It was very interesting and I enjoyed creating similes."

Harry - "Our poetry week has been very interesting.  It has been very enjoyable and I would like to do it again!"

Year 5/6R

“I really enjoyed using the different types of figurative language in my mesostic poem.” Tate

“I enjoyed listening to all the different World War 2 poems, it was fun.” Sofia

Please see some of 3/4 children's work below.

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