Last week, children from Reception through to Year 6 have been exploring different European languages in honour of European Languages Day on the 26th September.
Children have been greeting us and answering the register in a variety of languages. They have completed various activities linked to languages such as: matching flags with their greetings, having a go at writing 'hello' in different languages, matching counters to French words/number flashcards, listening to and learning rhymes, nursery rhymes and famous stories in different languages. Children in Key Stage 2 have also carried out some online research and learnt lots of facts about European Languages. Did you know that over half of the words in the English language originate from French (after the Norman invasion in 1066)?
Here's what the children thought about this week…
Emilia P – RNP 'I can say hello in French, 'Bonjour!'
George B 1MC - "Today we have learnt how to speak in lots of languages."
Raajan 1MC - "I wrote 'hello' in Portuguese."
Albert 1DJ - "I can say Hello in in Spanish, it is 'Hola'
Hayden 1DJ - "Bonjour is Hello in French".
Maya 2TD – “I enjoyed learning the song in French and it was interesting to know what it meant.”
Brax 2TD - “It was interesting to learn new words in a different language. I knew what they were but didn’t know what they meant”
Harley Westbury 2BH - "I really liked learning the English version to Frere Jacque"
Tia Chance 2BH - "I found counting to 10 in French interesting"
Zailey Shand 2BH - " I loved learning and singing Frere Jacque!"
Leo C 3/4JC - “I have learnt some Portuguese and French and enjoyed saying the register in different languages. I would like to make a model of the Colosseum for the Take Home Task.”
Sierra 3/4JC - “I have learnt some French and some Spanish. I enjoyed researching about European languages in Computing. For the take home task, I want to draw a picture from a famous Spanish or French artist.”
Abel 3/4CW – “I enjoyed listening to the French story of the Hungry Caterpillar. It was really exciting to learn French words. “
Kayla 3/4CW - “If you learn a different language, you can get a job in that country when you're older.”
Ava-Lily 3/4CW - “Learning to speak a different language means you can talk to other people from different countries and make friends. “
Francesca 3/4CW – “I liked the books because we knew the story, but we learnt new words in a European Language.”
Jacob 56R - "I enjoyed searching the ways to say hello in different languages. It was fun looking at a range of historical events in different countries."
Kaci 5/6 R - "I liked finding out about European languages and working in a group to research information. I liked learning new words. "
Year 5-6MB
Lily MC: "It was fun to make posters about European Languages Day. It was enjoyable to learn about the different languages."
Abdulsalam F: "I enjoyed using my geography skills to find the capital cities of European countries. I also liked learning about other languages."
Please don’t forget our ‘Europe’ Take Home task. Some children have already shared their projects from home so thank you for those. These tasks can be completed at any time and sent in on or before the first week back after October half term for us to share in class.
Any questions, please let me know.
Merci et Au revoir!
Mrs Cameron