Monday 8th July 2024 - Transition Day

On Monday 8th July, all children will have the opportunity to meet their new teacher in their new classroom. Children and their parents will know who their new teacher is on Wednesday 3rd July when reports are sent out.

On Friday 5th July, staff will show the children where to line up in preparation for Monday.  For most children this will be the a ‘smooth transition’ and staff will be working with the children, so that the children are familiar with their new classroom, teacher and peers. 

New Nursery and children continuing in Nursery from September.

Stay and Play session for new Nursery children – please read the letter that was sent to you explaining the session, timings etc.  For children who currently attend our Nursery and will be remaining in Nursery from September – please drop off and collect at your usual times.

New Reception class— arrangements were discussed at the transition meeting.  Current Nursery children will attend the transition days too.  Parents should take their child to the Reception class gate on Earlswood Road at 9.15am and collect at 3.00pmPlease send your child to school on this day with a packed lunch.

Yr 1- Yr 6 Time – 8.45am – 3.15pm

New Year 1—please take your child to the KS1 gate along the main pathway to the park (this is the gate near to the KS1 play area).  The children will be in their new class with their new teachers all day.  Reception children will be shown where to line up and have already visited the Year 1 classroom so that they can familiarise themselves with a new routine. Fruit will be provided as usual.

New Year 2—. The same gate as usual; but different classroom and teacher. Fruit will be provided as usual.

New Year 3 - all current year 2 children need to enter the KS2 playground via the end KS2 gate (the end gate nearest the park) in the morning and will be dismissed from there at the end of the day. Please send your child with a piece of fruit. Children will be shown which door to use to enter their new classroom on Friday 5th July.

New Year 4—all arrangements as usual—just different classes and teachers.

New Year 5 —Please enter the KS2 playground via the ‘middle’ KS2 gate—just different classes and teachers.

New Year 6—all arrangements as usual—just different classes and teachers.

Current Year 6 – should attend school as usual via the usual gate.

Please remember to order your child’s lunch on Dolce for current Reception to Year 6 children.  New Reception children should bring a packed lunch.

We look forward to the children meeting their new teachers.

Mrs Crook and Miss Stanton

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