Wednesday 3rd July 2024

Article 3

All adults should do what is best for you. When adults make decisions, they should think about how their decisions will affect children.

Dear Parents/carers,

Reports and classes for next year.

There will be a few staff changes at the end of this term.

  • We say goodbye to Miss Barclay, who will be leaving us to relocate. We wish her every success in the next stage of her career and thank her for fantastic work over the past 5 years.
  • We welcome Miss Davies, who will be joining us from September. We are sure that you will make her feel extremely welcome. 

Class organisation next year will be as follows:


Reception LK

Mr L Kimberley

Reception NP

Miss N Postings

Year 1MC

Miss M Cleeton

Year 1DJ

Mrs L Davis (Mon, Tues, Wed) / Miss D Jordan (Wed pm, Thurs, Fri

Year 2JC

Miss T Davies

Year 2BW

Mrs B Hughes

Year 3/4CW

Mrs J Cartwright (Mon, Tues, Wed) / Mrs P Woodley (Wed pm, Thurs, Fri)

Year 3/4JC

Mrs J Cameron

Year 3/4MC

Mrs M Cope

Year 5/6HO

Mrs H Oliver

Year 5/6MB

Mr M Baker

Year 5/6AR

Mr A Raybould


Mrs C Dorricott will be supporting teaching and learning in Key Stage 2.


Mrs K Crook and Miss A Stanton will be supporting teaching and learning throughout the school (Yr 6 Maths – Miss Stanton and Mr Baker).


In with your child’s report will be the information about who your child’s class teacher will be next year.

Arrangements for Parents’ Consultation July 2024:

We are holding our Parents’ in-school consultation on Wednesday 10th July for Nursery (for children who will be starting Reception in September 2024) to Year 6.  Mrs Oliver's Parent Consultations will be on Tuesday 9th July. 

  • Reports will be sent out at the end of the day on Wednesday 3rd July for children from Nursery to Year 6. A Nursery report will only be sent for the children who will be starting school in September.
  • Each report will be in a sealed envelope in your child’s bag. Details of class organisation and your child’s new teacher will also be included. Receiving the report before the parents’ consultation meeting should give you time to read it thoroughly and decide whether or not you would like to see your child’s teacher.
  • Please complete the online form ’Report reply slip 2024’ to acknowledge that you have received your child’s report and any comments that you wish to share about your child’s report. Also, if there is a specific element of the report that you would like to speak to your child’s class teacher about, please request an appointment by Monday 8th July 2024 at 12 noon using the ‘online form’ – this can be found on the school website under the ‘forms’ tab. The class teacher may wish to talk to you to discuss your child’s progress, so you may have already been allocated a time slot. Also, new class teachers will be meeting briefly with some parents, regarding their child’s SEND needs, this will help with a swift transition for your child. If the allocated time is not convenient, please write a note in your child’s planner and we can rearrange.
  • Consultation meetings this term will take place from 3.30pm to 4.30pm on Wednesday 10th July 2024.If you have indicated that you would like an appointment to discuss the report, an allocated time will be sent in your child's planner on Monday 8th July 2024.  (Please have the report with you at Parents’ Evening ready to discuss key points).  If the allocated time is inconvenient, then write a note to the class teacher in your child’s planner, so that they can allocate another slot.
  • Staff may also ask to see you to discuss certain elements of your child’s report, where further discussion will enable home and school to work together, so that children have a swift start in September. If so, there will be a note with your child’s report and an allocated time for you to see the teacher.  If this is not convenient, please arrange an alternative time with your child’s teacher.
  • If you have not indicated that you would like to see your child’s teacher by Monday 8th July at 12 noon—then an appointment time will not be allocated.
  • Separated parents who are already on our mailing list to receive their information, will have their reports posted to them. The report will be sent home in your child’s bag to the parent who the child resides with.

We hope that the information given is clear and we would really appreciate your support.


We will send home your child’s books at the end of the summer term for you to keep – could you please send a labelled carrier bag into school by Monday 15th July 2024.  We will be keeping some children’s books temporarily, so that we have evidence of learning. If your child’s books are being kept, your child’s class teacher will speak to you before the end of term. These books will be returned in July 2025.


Mrs Crook and Miss Stanton


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