Article 29
Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures, and the environment.
Attendance Winners
March winners were 56AR with 98.78%. They wore their own clothes to school today. Fantastic – well done!
World Book Day 2024
On Thursday 7th March we celebrated World Book Day here at Blanford Mere. It was lovely to see the children dressed as their favourite book characters or in their comfy pyjamas for reading. The day was filled with lots of book-based activities we had a Where’s Wally Hunt, Drop Everything and Read sessions, Read Your Own Way and all the teachers swapped classes to read stories which they really enjoyed. Here are some of the things that the children said about the day:
Maddie (Reception): 'I love reading books. My favourite book is the Gruffalo!'
Ruby (Year 1): "I liked when I was reading upside down on the chair!"
Walter (Year 1): "I like the stop, drop and read."
Ethan (year 2) – “I enjoyed it when Mrs. Cartwright read my favourite book -'Happytown'.”
Abigail (year 3/4) - "World Book Day was exciting because we did loads of activities. My favourite activity was making a poem up about my favourite book character."
Alby (year 5/6): “World Book Day is a day where we celebrate books and reading. Today, we read books in any position we wanted and had a lot of fun celebrating World Book Day. “
We had a lovely day celebrating reading and it was greatly supported by parents coming into school to read with their children as well.

Biggest Girls Football session
'We held the 'biggest ever football session' during lunchtime on Friday 8th March, for girls in Years 1 to Year 6. This was in celebration of international women's day and also as part of the FA's ambition to encourage as many girls as possible to get involved in football on the same day. Thank you to all the girls who participated, the main aim was to have lots of fun and it was lovely to hear the girls comment on how much they enjoyed playing football together. Hopefully, we have encouraged more girls to take up football as a hobby!'
Nursery Mother’s Day Celebration
On Friday 8th March Nursery hosted their first ever Mother’s Day Breakfast, it was fantastic. The children worked hard to lean a special song, and all came up with reasons why they loved their moms. They then enjoyed spending time with the special ladies in their lives by having breakfast together. This was a lovely event put together by the Nursery time, I hope all that came had a lovely time.

Red Nose Day 2024
Thank you to everyone who donate to Comic Relief on Friday – we raised an amazing £305!
Art Competition Winners
Here are the winners as judged by our Art Ambassadors:
Category One Louis-James C RK
Category Two Isla Smith 2BH
Category Three Kian Smith 34DD
Jacob Perrins Jacob Perrins 56AR
Well done to the winners and thank you to all of the artists who entered. All your work will be on display in school for us all to appreciate.
Look out for the next Art Competition coming up in the Summer Term.
Mrs Cope

Thank you Yr 3/4 Parents - Helping Hands
Thank you to those parents who came to support the DT sewing in Year 3/4. You were an invaluable help to the children and staff!!
Condover Hall
Yr 6 children went on their Residential to Condover Hall in Shrewsbury (13th – 15th March) with Miss Stanton, Mrs Oliver, Mr Baker, and Mrs Barlow . 42 Yr 6 children went on their Residential to Condover Hall in Shrewsbury (13th – 15th March) with Miss Stanton, Mr Baker, Mrs Oliver and Mrs Barlow. The children had a wonderful time filled with fun and challenge. They enjoyed a range of activities which included, Gladiator Wall, Abseiling, Zip wire, Sensory trail, Camp fire, Conquest, Orienteering and League Toppers and other fun filled opportunities. The children benefitted from the experience of being more independent and taking responsibility for themselves. I would like to thank the children and particularly the staff, who gave up their own family time to make this experience possible for the children. The teachers will hold a Parent Celebration Assembly on Friday 12th April at 2pm.
Nursery, Reception and KS1 - Easter ‘Eggstravaganza’
Nursery, Reception and KS1 had a wonderful day of Easter activities. The children looked fantastic in their Easter bonnets – thank you for supporting this memorable occasion. The Easter bunny was able to visit every class to make a special ‘egg’ delivery to every child in school and nursery provided by school.
World Down Syndrome Day – Reception
The children have enjoyed celebrating World Down Syndrome Day in Reception. We all wore something blue and yellow and had lots of fun completing a range of activities. We also received a kind donation of fruit shoots and party cakes for each child to enjoy from Mrs Gal – the children really enjoyed this!
World Down Syndrome Day is observed annually on March 21st to raise awareness and advocate for the rights, inclusion, and well-being of people with Down Syndrome.

We all have a responsibility for the welfare of our children. If something concerns, you about the welfare of a child within school then please contact the class teacher in the first instance who will refer to the Schools Designated Safeguarding Leads within school. If you have concerns which are not school based, you can: Call the children's services referral and advice service on 0300 555 0050 during office hours (9am - 5pm). Out of office hours contact the Emergency Duty Team on 0300 555 8574 or in an emergency call 999. Alternatively you can call ChildLine on 0800 1111 or email them by visiting
Blanford Mere Protection from extremism April 2024
A school’s responsibility to keep children safe from extremism, this is how we do this at Blanford Mere.
- Engage and challenge pupils and provide experience to broaden their horizons.
- Ensure pupils understand what it is to be an active citizen, with an understanding of the responsibility it brings.
- Allow pupils to hear and debate different points of view and in that way develop their resilience.
- Give pupils the mental agility, arguments and insight to see through and overcome the propaganda of extremist groups
What we do to support this:
Our school is a place that inspires and engages young minds. Our school believes in democracy and the laws of the country, where every individual has a voice that is heard and respected, no matter what their faith or belief. Our school values discussion, debate and learning from others.
Our school believes that division belongs in mathematics, not the classroom. There is no place for extremism in our school.
For more information regarding this matter and resources to support at home visit:
School Meals
The cost of a school meal is usually reviewed in April each year. We have received notification from Dolce that the cost of a school meal will rise from 8th April 2024 to £2.78.
In their letter to us, Dolce have made it very clear that raising their prices currently is the last thing they want to do, however, with the rising costs of food currently they are at the point where they have no choice. Dolce is very aware of the financial pressures facing both parents and schools in these difficult times and were able to avoid a price increase last year. They have kept the increase as low as possible and this still represents good value for a main meal and pudding.

Year 6 SAT’s
I’m sure you and your Year 6 child are well aware that the SATs tests are quickly approaching (6 weeks after the Easter break). We are asking you to support school and your children in the following ways over the holidays, so that children have regular practice with concepts that have been taught throughout the year.
Over Easter -Things the children can do to help be prepared:
- Use their SATs folder and look at old papers that have been completed.
- Mathletics.
- TT Rockstars.
- Revise spelling lists in green spelling book (including Year 3/4 and 5/6 lists).
- Read daily.
- CGP books.
- Have a rest!
- Little and often is best – don’t cram the week before! Please remind them and encourage them.
Monday 8th April – Return to school – Summer uniform can be worn from today.
- Blanford Mere red polo shirt (or suitable alternative) and grey school skirt, pinafore or trousers.
- Red and white checked/striped dress
- Sensible black shoes and white socks (not trainers)
- Blanford Mere red polo shirt or suitable alternative
- Grey shorts or trousers
- Sensible black shoes and grey socks (not black trainers)
Please remind children that they should not wear nail varnish or jewellery (other than a watch and/or stud earrings) for school. Don’t forget that if your child wishes to have their ears pierced the best time is beginning of the summer holidays as it is our policy that children cannot wear any kind of earrings during PE lessons.
Long hair should be tied up for school (not half up/down) this is for health and safety reasons. Please do not put large bows or decorations in your child’s hair – save these for special occasions. A simple hair band is sufficient. Tramlines are also not appropriate for school. Please support us and save this for the holidays.
Dates for the diary
Friday 22nd March – Break up Easter holidays
Monday 8th April – Children return to school at the usual time
Tues 9th or Thurs 11th April - TBC – Year 6 Photographs – see email sent 21.3.24
Friday 12th April – 2pm – Yr 6 Condover Hall celebration – complete online form
Monday 15th April - Friday 10th May – 4 weeks KS2 Swimming – see email sent to KS2 parents
Thursday 18th April at 3.30pm – HSA meeting. Please come along to support the HSA – they are looking for new members to join.
Friday 26th April – Yr 1 Gurdwara Trip
Tuesday 30th April – Blanford Babies 9am - Hub
Thursday 2nd May – Polling Day – School Closed to children - TBC
Monday 6th May – School Closed –Bank Holiday
Monday 13th – Thursday 16th May – KS2 SATs
Thursday 23rd May – Rec – Yr 6 Sports Day (weather permitting) More details to follow.
Friday 24th May - School closed to children – INSET day
Monday 3rd June – Children return to school at the usual time
Have a wonderful Easter break, we look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Monday 8th April, at the usual time.
Mrs Crook and Miss Stanton
Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher