I’m sure that you will agree that Christmas is a wonderful and special time of the year for most people, but particularly for children and their parents/carers.

Nursery and Reception children will not be performing at the church but will have other festive activities in school.

As our pupil numbers increase in school, space is limited in the church. Therefore, this year we will have two separate performances.

KS1 children Yr 1 and Yr 2 – 9.20am-10.20am (approx)
And a KS2 – Yr 3 to Yr 6 - 10.45am – 12pm (approx) will perform a Christmas Service at St Mary’s Church, Kingswinford.

This will be on the morning only on Thursday 12th December. All children from Yr1 to Yr6 will be taking part.

There will be 2 tickets for each family. Please complete the online form labelled ‘Christmas Activities 2024’ so that we know which service you require – it may be both, if you have children in both Key stages. When we send the tickets home, we will let you know this via School Life app. If you do not need your tickets, please return them to school.

Over the next few weeks, we will be sending out more plans for the festive period. Thank you for your continued support. Miss Stanton Deputy Headteacher Please note that Nursery and Reception children do not perform at the church.

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